Dataristix® Features

Here you'll find brief descriptions of Dataristix core features and connector module features. Links to the documentation provide further details. We welcome any questions, feature requests or other feedback you may have! Please contact

Core Features

Dataristix Core Documentation →

Client / Server architectureUser interface application and data processing services are separate and may run on the same or on different computers.
Background serviceDataristix runs data processing tasks in the background without user logon and can start automatically after reboot.
Browser ClientManage Dataristix using your browser.
Management applicationManage Dataristix services and all connectors conveniently within one application.
Headless deployment optionDataristix services may be configured for remote administration and do not require Desktop features.
Remote administrationManage Dataristix instances installed elsewhere when services are configured for remote administration. 
No task limitCreate as many data processing tasks as you like.
Graphical task designerDefine dataflows visually using drag and drop and by connecting tags or groups of tags in the Task designer
Modular architectureExtend functionality by adding connectors or processors.
Easy setupAll connector modules work together in a consistent manner
Binary or text processingProcess binary values verbatim in the task pipeline or use text/JSON
User managementConfigure users in varying roles to restrict access to specific functionality
Basic or OAuth authenticationUse username / password authentication or integrate OAuth 2.0 authentication
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics, including user-defined task output metrics

Connector for OPC UA

OPC UA Connector Documentation →

Sample data from OPC UA ServersSample data from OPC UA servers to send to other connectors.
Write data to OPC UA ServersWrite data received from other connectors to OPC UA Servers
OPC UA data bridgeTransfer data from one OPC UA server to another.
Reverse ConnectOptionally accept reverse connections by OPC UA servers
No server limitConnect to as many OPC UA servers as you like.
No tag limitConnect to as many OPC UA tags as you like.
Drag & Drop tagsExplore available OPC UA tags and drag and drop into topics.
Subscription Read ModeAcquire data by receiving data change notifications from the OPC UA Server.
Poll Read ModePoll the OPC UA Server in regular intervals to read data. Optionally synchronize polling to real-time, for example, to poll on the minute or on the hour.
Sampling of arraysDataristix supports sampling of scalar items and one-dimensional arrays.
Deadband valuesOptionally define tag deadband values if the OPC UA server supports it.
Convert to target typeOptionally convert data received from other connectors to the OPC UA server's tag data type.
Write data status and timestampsOptionally write value quality/status and timestamp information if the OPC UA server supports it.
Credentials managementSupports Username/Password authentication with options to prompt for login or store credentials securely.
Seamless reconnectAutomatically reconnects to OPC UA servers should the connection be lost.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the OPC UA connector within the Dataristix Core application.

Connector for ODBC

ODBC Connector documentation →

Log data into ODBC databasesStore data received from other connectors into MS SQL Server, MS Access, Oracle, MySql, PostgreSQL and other ODBC databases using Insert, Update or custom queries.
Read data from ODBC databasesRead data from ODBC databases to send to other connectors.
Optimized for Microsoft SQL ServerBest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted or bracketed identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
Optimized for MySQLBest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted identifiers or identifiers enclosed in backtick characters
Create index on automatically created tables
Optimized for OracleBest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
Optimized for PostgreSQLBest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
Optimized for SAP HANABest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
Optimized for IBM DB2 Best-match data type mapping
Support for quoted identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
Optimized for Microsoft AccessBest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted or bracketed identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
ODBC data bridgeTransfer data from one database to another.
Custom Write queriesUse your own queries for storing samples. Simply type your query and use place holders where actual data item values, timestamps or qualities are to be substituted.
Custom Read queriesUse your own queries for retrieving samples.
Batch processing and recipe transfersLook-up records in a database as requested by a device and write records back to the device via, for example, the OPC UA connector.
Selective data processingProcess specific data within a table using a "Where" clause
Create tables automatically or manuallyDatabase table structures for data collection with matching field names and data types can be created automatically or user defined.
Drag & Drop fieldsExplore database table fields using a field browser, drag and drop fields into topics.
Sampling of arraysDataristix supports data logging of scalar items or one-dimensional arrays. The maximum number of array elements is only limited by the number of supported table fields of the database in use.
Store data quality and timestampsOptionally store value quality/status and timestamp information.
Process value statusDetermine how values of bad or uncertain status should be treated
Credentials managementUse Integrated security, login prompts or securely stored credentials for database connections.
Seamless reconnectAutomatically reconnects to databases should the connection be lost.
64-bit or 32-bit or bothInstall either the (default) 64-bit ODBC connector or the 32-bit ODBC connector or both to connect to 64-bit and/or 32-bit data sources.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the ODBC connector within the Dataristix Core application.

Connector for SQL Server Databases

Connector for SQL Server documentation →

Log data into SQL Server databasesStore data received from other connectors into SQL Server databases using Insert, Update or custom queries.
Read data from SQL Server databasesRead data from SQL Server databases to send to other connectors.
Optimized for Microsoft SQL ServerBest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted or bracketed identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
SQL Server data bridgeTransfer data from one SQL Server database to another.
Custom Write queriesUse your own queries for storing samples. Simply type your query and use place holders where actual data item values, timestamps or qualities are to be substituted.
Custom Read queriesUse your own queries for retrieving samples.
Batch processing and recipe transfersLook-up records in a database as requested by a device and write records back to the device via, for example, the OPC UA connector.
Selective data processingProcess specific data within a table using a "Where" clause
Create tables automatically or manuallyDatabase table structures for data collection with matching field names and data types can be created automatically or user defined.
Drag & Drop fieldsExplore database table fields using a field browser, drag and drop fields into topics.
Sampling of arraysDataristix supports data logging of scalar items or one-dimensional arrays. The maximum number of array elements is only limited by the number of supported table fields of the database in use.
Store data quality and timestampsOptionally store value quality/status and timestamp information.
Process value statusDetermine how values of bad or uncertain status should be treated
Credentials managementUse Integrated security, login prompts or securely stored credentials for database connections.
Seamless reconnectAutomatically reconnects to databases should the connection be lost.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the connector within the Dataristix Core application.

Connector for Oracle Databases

Connector for Oracle Databases documentation →

Log data into Oracle databasesStore data received from other connectors into Oracle databases using Insert, Update or custom queries.
Read data from Oracle databasesRead data from Oracle databases to send to other connectors.
Optimized for Oracle DatabasesBest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
Oracle databases data bridgeTransfer data from one Oracle database to another.
Custom Write queriesUse your own queries for storing samples. Simply type your query and use place holders where actual data item values, timestamps or qualities are to be substituted.
Custom Read queriesUse your own queries for retrieving samples.
Batch processing and recipe transfersLook-up records in a database as requested by a device and write records back to the device via, for example, the OPC UA connector.
Selective data processingProcess specific data within a table using a "Where" clause
Create tables automatically or manuallyDatabase table structures for data collection with matching field names and data types can be created automatically or user defined.
Drag & Drop fieldsExplore database table fields using a field browser, drag and drop fields into topics.
Sampling of arraysDataristix supports data logging of scalar items or one-dimensional arrays. The maximum number of array elements is only limited by the number of supported table fields of the database in use.
Store data quality and timestampsOptionally store value quality/status and timestamp information.
Process value statusDetermine how values of bad or uncertain status should be treated
Credentials managementUse Integrated security, login prompts or securely stored credentials for database connections.
Seamless reconnectAutomatically reconnects to databases should the connection be lost.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the connector within the Dataristix Core application.

Connector for MySQL Databases

Connector for MySQL documentation →

Log data into SQL Server databasesStore data received from other connectors into MySQL databases using Insert, Update or custom queries.
Read data from SQL Server databasesRead data from MySQL  databases to send to other connectors.
Optimized for Microsoft SQL ServerBest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted or back-tick identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
SQL Server data bridgeTransfer data from one MySQL database to another.
Custom Write queriesUse your own queries for storing samples. Simply type your query and use place holders where actual data item values, timestamps or qualities are to be substituted.
Custom Read queriesUse your own queries for retrieving samples.
Batch processing and recipe transfersLook-up records in a database as requested by a device and write records back to the device via, for example, the OPC UA connector.
Selective data processingProcess specific data within a table using a "Where" clause
Create tables automatically or manuallyDatabase table structures for data collection with matching field names and data types can be created automatically or user defined.
Drag & Drop fieldsExplore database table fields using a field browser, drag and drop fields into topics.
Sampling of arraysDataristix supports data logging of scalar items or one-dimensional arrays. The maximum number of array elements is only limited by the number of supported table fields of the database in use.
Store data quality and timestampsOptionally store value quality/status and timestamp information.
Process value statusDetermine how values of bad or uncertain status should be treated
Credentials managementUse Integrated security, login prompts or securely stored credentials for database connections.
Seamless reconnectAutomatically reconnects to databases should the connection be lost.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the connector within the Dataristix Core application.

Connector for PostgreSQL Databases

Connector for PostgreSQL documentation →

Log data into SQL Server databasesStore data received from other connectors into PostgreSQL databases using Insert, Update or custom queries.
Read data from SQL Server databasesRead data from PostgreSQL  databases to send to other connectors.
Optimized for Microsoft SQL ServerBest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
SQL Server data bridgeTransfer data from one PostgreSQL database to another.
Custom Write queriesUse your own queries for storing samples. Simply type your query and use place holders where actual data item values, timestamps or qualities are to be substituted.
Custom Read queriesUse your own queries for retrieving samples.
Batch processing and recipe transfersLook-up records in a database as requested by a device and write records back to the device via, for example, the OPC UA connector.
Selective data processingProcess specific data within a table using a "Where" clause
Create tables automatically or manuallyDatabase table structures for data collection with matching field names and data types can be created automatically or user defined.
Drag & Drop fieldsExplore database table fields using a field browser, drag and drop fields into topics.
Sampling of arraysDataristix supports data logging of scalar items or one-dimensional arrays. The maximum number of array elements is only limited by the number of supported table fields of the database in use.
Store data quality and timestampsOptionally store value quality/status and timestamp information.
Process value statusDetermine how values of bad or uncertain status should be treated
Credentials managementUse Integrated security, login prompts or securely stored credentials for database connections.
Seamless reconnectAutomatically reconnects to databases should the connection be lost.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the connector within the Dataristix Core application.

Connector for SQLite Databases

Connector for SQLite documentation →

Log data into SQL Server databasesStore data received from other connectors into SQLite databases using Insert, Update or custom queries.
Read data from SQL Server databasesRead data from SQLite databases to send to other connectors.
Optimized for Microsoft SQL ServerBest-match data type mapping
Support for quoted identifiers
Create index on automatically created tables
SQL Server data bridgeTransfer data from one SQLite database to another.
Custom Write queriesUse your own queries for storing samples. Simply type your query and use place holders where actual data item values, timestamps or qualities are to be substituted.
Custom Read queriesUse your own queries for retrieving samples.
Batch processing and recipe transfersLook-up records in a database as requested by a device and write records back to the device via, for example, the OPC UA connector.
Selective data processingProcess specific data within a table using a "Where" clause
Create tables automatically or manuallyDatabase table structures for data collection with matching field names and data types can be created automatically or user defined.
Drag & Drop fieldsExplore database table fields using a field browser, drag and drop fields into topics.
Sampling of arraysDataristix supports data logging of scalar items or one-dimensional arrays. The maximum number of array elements is only limited by the number of supported table fields of the database in use.
Store data quality and timestampsOptionally store value quality/status and timestamp information.
Process value statusDetermine how values of bad or uncertain status should be treated
Credentials managementUse Integrated security, login prompts or securely stored credentials for database connections.
Seamless reconnectAutomatically reconnects to databases should the connection be lost.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the connector within the Dataristix Core application.

Connector for MQTT

MQTT Connector documentation →

MQTT BrokerActs as a broker to send or receive data to and from MQTT clients.
MQTT ClientActs as one or more MQTT client(s) to connect to MQTT brokers
TCP/IP or WebsocketsConfigure brokers and clients to connect via TCP/IP or WebSockets
TLSSupports secure connections via Transport Layer Security
MQTT 3.1.1Supports the MQTT 3.1.1 protocol
MQTT 5.0Supports the MQTT 5.0 protocol
QoS LevelsSupports all quality-of-service levels
Retained messagesBroker supports retained messages
Message persistenceBroker supports persistent messages
Integrated JSON processingProcess JSON properties in task flows as if they were individual tags
Tag BrowserBrowse available MQTT broker topics by specifying a root topic with integrated JSON decoding
Username / Password AuthenticationSupports username and password authentication
Client Certificate AuthenticationSupports authentication via client certificates
Connector IntegrationSend and receive data to and from other connectors
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics, including MQTT broker and MQTT client metrics.
Application pluginManage the MQTT connector within the Dataristix Core application.

Connector for REST Connector

REST Connector documentation →

REST API ClientsConfigure one or more REST client(s) to exchange data with various REST API servers in JSON format
Send or ReceiveReceive data using GET requests or send data using PATCH, PUT or POST
Secure ConnectionsUse HTTP or HTTPS connections
Basic SecuritySupports basic authentication with username and password
Basic Token SecuritySupports token authentication after login with username and password
API Key SecuritySupports API Key authorization using flexible header names and header value templates
Certificate SecuritySupports authentication with client certificates
OAuth 2.0 SecuritySupports OAuth 2.0 authorization (client credentials flow)
Custom HeadersAdd custom headers in HTTP(S) requests
Decode JSONOptionally decode JSON to process contained values separately or to minimize requests to the REST service
Tag BrowserInspect the REST service response and decode JSON before adding the response or response parts as tags for processing in dataflow tasks
Connector IntegrationSend and receive data to and from other connectors
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the REST connector within the Dataristix Core application.


Connector for CSV

CSV Connector documentation →

Log data to text filesReceive data from other connectors and store values into text files.
Group filesLog related data into different folders
Write Header OptionOptionally write column headers for each new file.
Zero tag configuration"Generic" topics accept any tag sent to the connector.
ASCII Text EncodingSave text files with ASCII text encoding.
UTF-8 Text EncodingSave text files with UTF-8 text encoding.
UTF-16 Text EncodingSave text files with UTF-16 text encoding.
DelimitersSeparate values by comma, semicolon or tab. Optionally include an indicator for use of CSV files across regions.
Rotate files dailyAutomatically start a new file at midnight.
Rotate files hourlyAutomatically start a new file every hour.
Log value timestampsOptionally log value time stamps in UTC or local time for each value
Log value statusOptionally log value status codes for each value
Uncertain value handlingLog value, log blank value, or ignore values of "uncertain" quality
Bad value handlingLog blank value or ignore values of "bad" quality
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the CSV connector within the Dataristix Core application.


Connector for Power BI

Power BI Connector documentation →

Send data to "streaming data sets"Receive data from other connector and send data to Power BI "streaming datasets".
No limits on "streaming data sets"Connect to as many streaming datasets as you like.
Dataset timestampOptionally include a timestamp for the entire dataset when sending data to Power BI for charting over time.
Value timestampsOptionally include timestamps for each value in the dataset when sending data to Power BI for charting over time.
Value statusOptionally include status code information for each value when sending data to Power BI.
ReconnectAutomatically reconnect to Power BI after connection loss.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the Power BI connector within the Dataristix Core application.


Connector for SOAP

SOAP Connector documentation →

No Web Service limitConnect to as many Web Services as you like
WSDL File ImportImport Web Service Description files from disk.
WSDL URL ImportFetch Web Service Descriptions via URL from the network.
HTTPS or HTTPConnect to Web Services via HTTP or HTTPS.
Basic AuthenticationOptionally configure basic (username / password) authentication.
OAuth AuthenticationOptionally configure OAuth 2.0 authentication (client credentials flow)
Complex typesSupports fetching of complex result types.
Test methodsTest individual Web Service methods by manually entering parameters.
Trigger Web Service callsCall Web Services based on a trigger input or based on input data changes.
ProcessorUse as "Processor" in Dataristix tasks. Data inputs are sent to the Web Service and data outputs may be forwarded to other connectors.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the SOAP connector within the Dataristix Core application.


Connector for E-Mail

E-Mail Connector documentation →

Send data via e-mailReceive data from other connectors and send data in e-mail messages.
Send text or HTMLSend e-mails as plain text or as HTML
No message template limitConfigure as many e-mail message templates as you like.
TLSSecurely connect to mail servers via TLS
AuthenticationOptionally authenticate via username / password
Configure portConfigure the mail server port as required.
Configure "From"Configure sender name and "From" e-mail address as required.
Configure messageEach message template may contain a different subject, different recipients and a message text with placeholders. Placeholders are replaced with real-time data values sent by other connectors.
Minimum delayConfigure a minimum delay between messages for fast changing data.
Flexible send logicUse the e-mail connector in Dataristix tasks to finely control when e-mail messages are sent, for example, based on a trigger, in regular intervals, or when an error condition is met.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the E-Mail connector within the Dataristix Core application.


Connector for Excel

Excel Connector Documentation →

Report GenerationPrepare Excel workbooks with placeholder cells where live values are to be substituted and control timing and frequency of report generation in Dataristix tasks.
Live spreadsheetsDesign spreadheets with continuously updating real-time data.
Select data columnsFor real-time data links, choose to include header text and any combination of connector name, topic name, tag name, tag value, value time stamp in local time, value time stamp in UTC, value status code or value status text.
Copy live valuesRight-click on a connector topic in the Dataristix Core application to copy live data from connector topics and paste into Excel as real-time data links.
Manually edit linksManually edit pasted links or create new ones using the "RTD" live value formula to access any data column.
Array dataExpand "RTD" formulas to access some or all values in value arrays.
Remote RTDServe dozens or even hundreds of Excel users elsewhere on the Intranet by enabling remote RTD access at now additional cost.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the Excel connector within the Dataristix Core application.

Connector for Script

Script Connector Documentation →

JavaScriptSupports JavaScript data processing
Syntax highlighting editorThe syntax highlighting editor assists in writing error free code
Test modeTest your script with predefined test parameters
Console log outputThe script's console log output is directly visible in the core application's message log for alerting and debugging
Data flow integrationIntegrates into a task's data flow just like other processors
Flexible data access patternsLoop through input values to calculate output values or access input / output values by name.
Generic data processingSupports generic tag processing without the need to specify individual tags. 
Specific data processingSupports named tag configurations for inputs and outputs.
TelemetryOpenTelemetry integration for traces, logs, and metrics.
Application pluginManage the Script connector within the Dataristix Core application.


The following connector modules are in pre-release. 

Connector for InfluxDB

InfluxDB Connector Documentation →