Dataristix™ New Processors
Dataristix adds a range of new processors to assist in designing dataflows within the Task Builder. New processors include the following:
- Accumulation Processor, evaluating tags over time (to calculate Average, Sample Count, Maximum, Minimum, Standard Deviation (Population), Standard Deviation (Samples) or Sum over time)
- Improved Aggregation Processor (to calculate Average, Sample Count, Maximum, Minimum, Standard Deviation (Population), Standard Deviation (Samples) or Sum for all input values)
- Math processors (Add, Divide, Modulo, Multiply, Subtract)
- Logical processors (And, Or Not)
- Rename Processor, for use with "Auto" topics to define tag names before they reach the output stage
- Range processor, to determine Mininum, Maximum and Average value of all inputs
- Type Converter processor, to change the type of values before the values reach the output stage (where the value type may determine storage requirements)
These additions greatly improve the flexibility of the Task Builder's dataflow logic, specifically in combination with "Auto" topics that automatically generate tag connection points.
As always, you'll find more information in the documention, and if you have any questions or suggestions then please do not hesitate to contact us.