Installing Dataristix as a Browser App

Did you know that your browser may allow installing the Dataristix browser client as an application, complete with task bar icon? Here we'll look at the Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers on Microsoft Windows.

Microsoft Edge

Your Microsoft Edge browser window may look like this when you first open the Dataristix browser client at http://localhost:8282.

Dataristisx in Microsoft Edge Browser
Dataristix in Microsoft Edge Browser

To install Dataristix as a Web application, use the top right "..." menu in the Microsoft Edge browser and select "Apps / Install Dataristix":

Install Dataristix browser app with Microsoft Edge
Install Dataristix browser app with Microsoft Edge

Follow the prompts to add Dataristix as a task bar icon. Once installed, you can click on the task bar icon to open Dataristix without first entering a URL.

The browser app has a more concise header without address bar and without the usual browser controls.

Dataristix browser app in Microsoft Edge browser
Dataristix browser app in Microsoft Edge browser

If you prefer to keep the address bar and browser controls, then you can also select "More tools / Pin to task bar" from the Microsoft Edge browser menu.

Google Chrome

To install Dataristix as a browser app with Chrome, click on the icon in top right of the browser window, then click on "Install" and follow the prompts.

Install Dataristix browser app with Google Chrome
Install Dataristix browser app with Google Chrome

Similar to Microsoft Edge, the browser app is concise without address bar and without the usual browser controls. The app can be opened from the task bar without entering a URL.

Dataristix browser app in Chrome
Dataristix browser app in Chrome

Other browsers

Other browsers may also support Web applications even though we have not listed them here.

Please check the respective browser documentation for further information.